CS Network: CS-Cart | CSCart-Skins |


A blog dedicated to CS-Cart, a php/mysql/smarty ecommerce software platform.

1.3.5 Rumors!!!

v1.3.5, late summer 2007

What is "possibly" in the next release?

-Loyalty Points/Reward Points
-Promotions module
-Site Access (block by ip, email, username)
-Improved SEO
-New products listings
-Related Articles
-Related Categories
-CSS/XHTML Skins (2-3 skins)
-Update to windows upgrader program

None of this is definite but its what the rumor mill has heard.

Happy carting!!


posted by Anonymous @ 9:15 AM, ,

CS-Cart Admin Skin

From a fellow Cs-carter.

cs-cart 1.3.4sp2 stable and 1.3.4sp3 beta

* Clean design
* Readability
* Cool Icons

* admin/
* admin/styles.css
* admin/images/
* admin/images/(all_images)…
that’s all.

1.3.4sp3 version?
Yes, but it’s beta.

Old version?
Yes, it’s working.

Please visit for download and screenshot:
(tar.gz - 92.4kb and .zip - 111kb files)

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posted by Anonymous @ 9:11 AM, ,