CS Network: CS-Cart | CSCart-Skins |


A blog dedicated to CS-Cart, a php/mysql/smarty ecommerce software platform.

Image Gallery Module, in beta

With the help of CS coders, I have been working on an integrated Image Gallery module, which started out as a customization for a client.

CS has graciously given me their code so that I may create a zip file with install instructions and release this freely.

It currently is being beta tested in house by CS mods for feedback.

Be on the lookout for the new module soon.


posted by Anonymous @ 9:02 AM, ,

Interview with CS-Cart CEO, Vladimir V. Kalynyak

I had a chance to recently talk with Vladimir and ask him a few questions. He was extremely busy getting release 1.3.4 out the door, but took a few minutes to answer some questions. Thanks Vlad.

Vladimir V. Kalynyak
CEO, CS-Cart.com

1. How did CS-Cart come about?
CS-Cart was started when its founders (3 of us) decided to leave our current employer and make own shopping cart. It was about 2 years ago and in just six months, we released our first CS-Cart v1.0 (August 2, 2006). From that point CS-Cart was born.

2. Where is CS-Cart located?

CS-Cart office is located in Ulianvosk City, Russia.

3. How many employees does CS-Cart have?
At the moment there are more than 20 professionals work in CS-Cart and this number continues to grow each month.

4. Where do you see CS-Cart going in the future? Future goals?
Reseller programs, better customer support, newer versions with updated features. I however cannot list all our future plans, but we will stay focused on e-commerce.

5. How many licenses are active?
At this moment there are more than 1000 active CS-Cart licenses, from more than 70 countries.

6. What do you guys do for fun?
I would say that currently working on CS-Cart is.

7. Any plans to visit the USA? attend any conferences?
Nothing concrete yet, but since our company is growing rapidly, we could possibly be coming.


posted by Anonymous @ 10:42 AM, ,

Newest Products & Testimonials Modules - FREE


Modules have been tested on v1.3.4 of CS-Cart. Thanks to Snorocket and Compernicus for all their work on these FREE mods.

Please make a full backup of your database and files before installing these.

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posted by Anonymous @ 3:46 PM, ,

CS Rating Icons

In honor of the release of v1.3.4, we have released a few freebie icon sets for Ratings within CS-Cart.

They are all available in a zip file with a readme.txt for installation, as well as, a layer .psd (photoshop) file so that you make edit them if you like.

Here are the icon packs.


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posted by Anonymous @ 2:10 PM, ,

Price increase

In response to the latest release v 1.3.4 and a whole list of new features, cs-cart.com has updated their initial license price to $195.00 USD. This is inline with other shopping cart software packages of similar functionality.

Look for the new release sometime TODAY!


posted by Anonymous @ 10:39 AM, ,

Livehelp Beta Info!

Just picked up the latest scoop on the Livehelp system in CS-Cart. We all saw the tabs labeled "livehelp" in the admin module settings.

Well here is a list of what the beta will include in the live release of 1.3.4.

Here is the first screenshot of the livehelp system in use.


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posted by Anonymous @ 9:48 AM, ,


CS-Cart blog has just had a facelift. The other design was "nice" but wasn't ideal for providing information in a readable format.

We have added some space for new features coming soon. We will be posting up some new FREE cs-cart modules, and will make those available via zip files.

We have also recruited a few other "authors", cs modders, coders, geeks, to help us post some more tips/tricks for CS at a faster pace than previously.

I am working on getting some interviews with some CS Cart staffers, to get a sense of what CS-Cart is all about. Stay tuned for those.


posted by Anonymous @ 11:18 PM, ,